Alimony and Spousal Maintenance Attorney in Bradley Beach, New Jersey

In what situations is spousal support awarded?

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so spousal support is awarded


the history of the marriage creates a

scenario where one spouse

becomes the financial provider for the

other spouse

and creates a standard

where one spouse is the provider and the

other spouse is essentially supported

with within the home

traditionally this would be the

professional like the doctor or the

accountant um who is supporting the

stay-at-home mother who doesn’t have an

income at all

but it also includes scenarios where the

second the let’s call it the supported


is making money does have a job

but is being financially compensated at

his or her his or her job

at a lesser level than a spouse earning

more money so if there is a significant

discrepancy in income

even if both spouses are employed even

if both spouses are earning

if there’s a significant discrepancy in

income the spouse earning more money has

created a financial status quo for the

other spouse to enjoy that additional


and if that is the financial scenario of

the marriage the court will continue

that so that there is financial support

for the lesser lesser-earning spouse by

way of spousal support post-marriage or

post-union as well

Bradley Beach, NJ family law attorney Cipora Winters talks about the situations in which spousal support is awarded.

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