Alimony and Spousal Maintenance Attorney in New York, New York

How can I avoid paying alimony?

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so couple of ways to do that you can
avoid paying alimony by signing a
prenuptial agreement that’s first and
foremost you can avoid alimony it’s so
simple before you get married sign a
prenuptial agreement where you are
waving or your spouse is waving the
right to receive alimony people don’t
think about it but it’s really one of
the most important parts of signing a
prenup is so that you’re not in that
situation of paying alimony later in the
event of a divorce if you haven’t done
that perhaps you’re now thinking well I
should have signed that prenuptial
agreement but I didn’t do it I didn’t
have time for it I didn’t think about it
I I was embarrassed to ask about it it
could be another route to sign a
postnuptial agreement and everybody can
wave alimony in a postnuptial agreement
and that would be during the marriage
that’s two good sure bets on how to
actually avoid paying pay alimony either
the prenup or the postnup here’s another
way to avoid paying alimony encourage
your spouse to have a career a full and
flourishing career because if you don’t
do that your spouse is likely to be more
dependent on you in the event of a
divorce look if you want a spouse who is
going to stay home and take care of the
children and take care of the household
and that is very you know that that is
supportive for you then you may actually
have have to pay alimony to that spouse
when this when there’s a divorce and
maybe that’s appropriate because that
spouse has not been in the workforce for
many years because they’ve been
supporting your career and so it’s
important if you don’t want to pay
alimony encourage your spouse to have a
career encourage your spouse to get
training to develop that career and help
out help out with the children get the
support that your spouse needs to
develop their career that will help you
avoid alimony payments

New York, NY family law attorney Lisa Zeiderman talks about how you can avoid paying alimony. There are several ways an individual can avoid paying alimony. The first and simplest option is for both spouses to sign a prenuptial agreement before marriage, waiving the right to receive alimony. This is often overlooked, yet it’s one of the primary reasons to have a prenuptial agreement, as it can prevent future alimony obligations in case of divorce.

If a prenuptial agreement was not signed, a postnuptial agreement offers another option, allowing spouses to waive alimony during the marriage. This approach also serves as an effective way to avoid future alimony obligations.

Another strategy to reduce the likelihood of alimony payments is to encourage the other spouse to pursue a full and independent career. When a spouse stays home to manage the household or care for children, they tend to be more financially dependent, which can result in alimony obligations if a divorce occurs. By supporting a spouse in career training and development, and providing assistance like childcare, one can help promote their financial independence and lessen the potential for alimony payments in the future.

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