Adoption Attorney in Naperville, Illinois

How do I contest an adoption in Illinois?

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Adoptions can be uncontested or contested. A typical contested adoption occurs when a stepparent wants to adopt a child, but the biological parent contests the adoption. In such cases, the stepparent must give notice to the biological parent if they are seeking to terminate the parent’s rights for the adoption to proceed. The biological parent would then file an appearance and attend court to contest the adoption. In order to successfully adopt the child, the stepparent would need to present a full hearing for the termination of parental rights, demonstrating why the biological parent’s rights should be terminated to allow the stepparent to adopt.

Naperville, IL family law attorney Melissa Kuffel discusses how to contest an adoption in Illinois. She explains that adoptions can be categorized as either uncontested or contested. In a typical contested adoption scenario, a step-parent seeks to adopt a child while the biological parent contests the adoption. In such cases, it is necessary to provide proper notice to the biological parent, informing them of the intent to terminate their parental rights and proceed with the adoption. The biological parent can then file their appearance in court and contest the adoption.

For the step-parent to proceed with the adoption, they would need to present their case at a termination of parental rights hearing. This hearing aims to establish valid reasons why the biological parent’s rights should be terminated, ultimately allowing the step-parent to legally adopt the child. It involves presenting evidence and arguments to demonstrate why the termination is in the best interests of the child and justifies the step-parent’s adoption.

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