About The Family Law Firms Attorney in Nashville, Tennessee

About Hamer & Taylor

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At Hamr and Taylor, we offer something a little different from typical big city firms. We focus on our clients and their needs daily, providing them with access to us at all times. Clients have a team of two attorneys or more, plus our staff, ensuring they can always reach us, which isn’t typical in bigger divorce firms. We combine extensive experience with personalized contact, giving clients confidence during tough times. Divorce is hard, and you want to feel good about your lawyer and firm. We believe we’ve got the right formula.

As the lead partner at Hamr and Taylor, my goal has always been to provide a level of service to clients that I would expect for myself. Having gone through a divorce and hired my own attorney, I knew exactly how I wanted my firm to respond to clients during difficult times. We ensure clients always have email, text, and cell phone access to us. There’s never a time clients can’t reach me unless I’m asleep. Divorces can involve emergencies, and clients need to feel confident they can get quick answers when they need them.

Nashville, TN family law attorney Anne Hamer talks about what makes her firm different and the level of service clients can expect. At Hamr and Taylor, the firm offers something a little different from typical big city firms. The focus is on clients and their needs daily, providing them with access to the attorneys at all times. Clients have a team of two or more attorneys, plus the staff, ensuring they can always reach someone, which isn’t typical in larger divorce firms. The firm combines extensive experience with personalized contact, giving clients confidence during tough times. Divorce is hard, and clients want to feel good about their lawyer and firm. Hamr and Taylor believes they have the right formula.

As the lead partner at Hamr and Taylor, the goal has always been to provide a level of service to clients that the partner would expect for themselves. Having gone through a divorce and hired an attorney, the lead partner knew exactly how they wanted the firm to respond to clients during difficult times. The firm ensures clients always have email, text, and cell phone access to the attorneys. There’s never a time clients can’t reach the lead partner unless they are asleep. Divorces can involve emergencies, and clients need to feel confident they can get quick answers when they need them.

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