Top Rated Criminal Defense Law Firm Attorney in Alexandria, Virginia

About The Law Office of Christopher Leibig

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my firm handles solely criminal defense
matters that could include appeal post
conviction but mostly what I do and what
my firm does is represent people who are
being accused of or are already charged
with crimes in Virginia state or federal
court you know these days there’s so
much out there on the internet and so
much noise about different lawyers so
really what you’re looking for is
somebody who actually knows how to
handle criminal defense as a general
matter of the seriousness level that you
may be facing it’s not so much about
niches of certain kinds of charges
although that can be something it’s more
or less is this someone who really knows
how to do this kind of work there are a
lot of lawyers that market all kinds of
different areas and there are a lot of
lawyers that market themselves that have
very little experience experience in
that kind in criminal defense in general
and so really what you are looking for
is not just what you see on someone’s
website but what what it seems like when
you meet them if you can have the
ability to ask around to other people
that’s a huge plus the word on the
street or what people hear about a
lawyer does mean a lot and so you just
really have to take some time with it my
biggest advice at all is don’t hurry up
it’s not an emergency if the person you
care about is in jail it is a crisis but
don’t hire a lawyer because you think
you need to do it today it’s a big big
decision you got to meet the person you
have to do some research and also figure
out if it feels right to you the way
they talk about the case the way they’re
acting and don’t ever ever hire somebody
who’s either making promises or you know
saying things that make you feel the
least bit uncomfortable

Alexandria, VA criminal defense attorney Chris Leibig talks about his firm’s areas of practice as well as what one should look for in hiring a criminal defense lawyer.

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