Top Rated Criminal Defense Law Firm Attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota

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we recognize that every situation is

different and every case is different

there’s not a one-size-fits-all approach

to your problems sometimes we have to

handle tough cases by pushing hard

against prosecutors and trying to fight

like heck to get everything done and

sometimes we have to negotiate and take

a softer touch and we know when to take

option A and when to take option b one

of the pieces that makes our Law Firm

different is we have the ability to

handle increasingly complicated cases

nowadays in the criminal defense World

we’re seeing cases where the government

discloses to us

hundreds of thousands or millions of

pages of documents we have the technical

skills and the technical tools to manage

this information we have the experience

and knowledge to know what’s important

and we have the communication ability to

distill this information and present it

to whoever needs to hear it we work with

retired federal agents we work with

forensic Consultants we work with jury

Consultants we’ve done mock juries on

cases we have the knowledge and the

tools to bring whatever solution needs

to be brought in your case to give you

the best chance to win

our Law Firm provides the highest level

of service to the citizen accused

available in the United States we have

many years of experience we have argued

cases from the misdemeanor courts

through and including the United States

Supreme Court we have won cases on every

level on appeals in the trial courts

before uh courts before trial we’ve

gotten cases thrown out we’ve gotten

cases not charged we have a network of

people throughout the United States and

even outside the United States who can

help us help our clients have the best

chance to win that’s a level of service

that is

not available except in the rarest of


Minneapolis, MN criminal defense lawyers Ian Birrell & Andrew Birrell talk about what makes their law firm different from others and the level of service that clients can expect.

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