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well because we work with so many
different types of clients and so many
different types of Industries we really
try to be available for them for any
legal needs uh that they have it really
starts with business formation uh
frequently clients come to us they want
to start a business they really don’t
know what type of business structure
they need whether it’s a corporation or
a limited liability company or a
partnership ship uh we consult with them
on what the best structure is for them
and then we work with them on their uh
creation documents and their governing
documents whether they be Articles of
Incorporation or organization bylaws
operating agreements uh stockholders
agreements uh once established uh we
really try to be available for them for
whatever they need that could be as
simple as contract review uh with their
vendors it could be corporate financing
we do a lot of work with lenders and
help them develop with their loan
agreements corporate transactions
whether stock purchase agreements uh or
asset purchase agreements or anything in
between intellectual property work we do
help them protect their intellectual
property rights we do a lot of work with
uh trademark uh applications and
registrations and renewals copyrights uh
licensing agreements and things of that
sort we do a lot of labor and employment
work the focus of our labor and
employment practice is really developing
uh policies and procedures handbooks uh
to help them create a very efficient and
productive Workforce really help them
avoid having employment claims or any
other types of claims that might result
in litigation in the inevitable and
unhappy event that uh litigation or
claims arise uh we zealously and
aggressively advocate for our clients we
really do try to focus on avoiding those
types of claims because litigation is
frankly very disruptive to the
organization both in terms of time and
resources but unfortunately that will
inevitably happen and uh we have great
amount of experience dealing with with
business litigation and arbitration and
are prepared to aggressively defend our
clients when needed
Contact Michael K. Hourigan
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Baltimore, MD business lawyer Michael Hourigan talks about the type of services his firm offers to their business law clients.