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in our business law practice we see
ourselves as outside in-house counsil we
see ourselves as part of the client’s
business and more importantly we want
the client to see our see us as part of
their business just like they see the
accounting department and the human
resources department the marketing
department and operations we represent a
lot of different types of businesses and
a lot of different Industries a lot
different structures a lot of different
sizes um and as a result of that we want
them to call on us whenever uh whenever
we’re needed uh we want to establish
relationships not only with ownership
and management but at employees at all
levels so we want to understand what
their goals are as an organization and
make sure we’re operating in lockstep
with those goals one thing we really
focus on is educating ourselves on
developments in the law and what is
frequently a very fast moving and
constantly changing environment we want
to be proactive in identifying what
issues are facing our clients so we can
address them promptly and efficiently
and continue to work with them to
establish what their organizational
goals are
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Baltimore, MD business lawyer Michael Hourigan shares his approach to working with business law clients.