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2015 Child Support Calculation Changes
Before a Custody Battle
"Best Interest Factors" - 2015 Changes
"Best Interest" Facts and Parenting Time
What does “best interests” really mean in a custody determination?
Can a child have input in a child custody decision?
Can a child have input in an Illinois child custody decision?
Can both parents have joint custody of a child?
Can I challenge the findings of the evaluator?
Can you tell us about a memorable situation you handled involving high conflict parenting time?
Can you tell us about a memorable third-party custody or visitation matter you handled?
Can't Agree on Child Custody with Spouse?
Child Conservatorship and Relocating Out of State
Child Custody
How is child custody determined?
Child Custody and Visitation
How do Georgia courts decide issues of child custody?
How do courts decide issues of child custody and support?
Child Custody - Kidnapping
Child Custody Modifications
Will I have to give up custody if I relocate to another state?
Will I be able to see my children if I move out?
Child Custody vs Conservatorship
What can I do to improve my changes of gaining custody?
What rights will I have to visitation?
Custodial Parent Relocation
Do fathers have an equal change at custody?
Custody Modifications
Divorce Jurisdiction and Child Custody
Do grandparents have custody or visitation rights?
Does re-marrying impact visitation and/or custody rights with my ex-spouse?
Does the law favor mothers in custody cases?
Effects of "Parenting Time" Rewording
My ex-spouse is not paying child support. What can I do?
Factors in Deciding Custody
Father and Child Custody
Father's Rights
Grandparent Custody Rights
How are visitation rights determined?
How are visitation schedules determined?
How do Courts Determine Child Custody?
How do courts determine the “best interests of the child?”
How do Guardian ad Litems (GAL) impact child custody cases?
How do physical and legal custody differ?
How do we decide where our children will live while our dispute is pending?
How do you help resolve child custody?
How does a parent's work schedule impact child custody arrangements?
How does a shared physical custody order impact child support in MA?
How does relocation affect custody and visitation rights?
How does the court determine child custody in a divorce case?
How does the court determine child custody in an Illinois divorce case?
How does the court take into account the best interests of the child in a custody determination?
How is custody and visitation determined in New York?
How Is Parenting Time Decided
How is parenting time decided?
How old does my child need to be before my child can decide where to live?
Impact of New Parental Rights Law
Impact of Parenting Time
How is custody handled when the parents live in different countries?
As a client, how can I best prepare for a divorce proceeding with interstate custody issues?
Is California a 50/50 custody state?
Is New York a 50/50 custody state?
Is parenting time the same as visitation?
Is Tennessee a 50/50 custody state?
Is the court more likely to grant custody to a mother than a father?
What is the difference between physical and legal custody in California?
Joint Legal Custody vs Joint Physical Custody
What is the difference between legal and physical custody?
Legal Remedies for Denied Parenting Time
Legal vs Physical Custody
Litigated vs Collaborative Divorce Costs
Can I move with my child if my spouse has visitation rights?
Out of State Vacation and Child Custody
Parental Alienation Syndrome
Parental Relocation
How do you create an effective parenting plan
I got my ex-girlfriend pregnant. How can I get visitation rights?
Philosophy on Child Custody Cases
Can I prevent my ex from moving out of state when we share custody?
If move out of state for a new job, will I lose custody?
What is important to consider if the residential parent wants to relocate?
What happens if my ex and I can't agree on which school our child should attend?
Subsequent Custody Case Considerations
Can I get a different judge in my case?
Tell us about a memorable custody dispute you handled.
Termination Of Parental Rights
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
What advice do you give clients who are fighting for custody of their children?
What advice do you give clients who are fighting for custody of their children in a Minnesota divorce?
What advice do you give clients who are fighting for more time with their children?
What advice do you have for parents involved in a high conflict custody dispute?
What advice do you have on how to not lose custody?
What are examples of third parties who might be granted custody or visitation?
What are parenting time and decision making under Colorado law?
What are some of the more challenging child custody situations you’ve handled?
What are the biggest challenges you face in handling a custody dispute?
What can be used against you in a custody battle?
What does legal custody mean in Massachusetts?
What happens in a contempt case involving child custody or financial orders?
What if my ex moves out of Texas – will that affect his or her custody rights?
What is a social study in child custody cases in Texas and what does it involve?
What is a temporary order hearing in Texas?
What is allocation of parental responsibility under Illinois law?
What is Legal Custody?
What is parental alienation in a child custody case?
What is parenting time?
What is Physical Custody?
What is the difference between physical and legal custody?
What is the difference between physical and legal custody in New York?
What is the difference between physical custody and legal custody in Colorado?
What is the most common way for families to settle custody and visitation during a divorce?
What is your approach to custody and parenting time cases?
What is your approach to custody cases?
What is your approach to custody (time sharing) & visitation disputes?
What is your approach to MA custody cases?
What is your experience in handling custody disputes?
What is your experience in handling high conflict parenting time?
What should be included in a visitation agreement?
What sorts of issues do you see commonly arising in custody cases?
What trends do you see in child custody cases?
What trends do you see in the area of custody?
What trends do you see in the area of custody in Texas?
What trends do you see in the area of time sharing in Florida?
When do Massachusetts courts order shared physical custody?
When should I consider modifying our custody agreement?
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