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What protections do I have as a criminal defendant?
Criminal Matters - Flat Fee vs Hourly
Criminal Matters - Refundable vs Non-Refundable Retainer
Experience in Violent Crimes Cases
Factors that Determine Hourly Fees
Federal Prosecution vs State Prosecution
What trends do you see in the prosecution of financial exploitation of vulnerable adults cases?
Criminal Defense: What is meant by guilt beyond a reasonable doubt?
How can you help me if I was wrongfully arrested in New York?
How can you help me if my civil rights have been violated?
How can you help me obtain a firearm license?
How can you help restore my right to possess a firearm?
How do I find the best violent crimes lawyer?
How do you Encourage Clients Going Through Rough Times?
How do you handle high-profile cases?
How do you use your training in forensic psychology to help your clients?
How does an SEC civil case become a criminal case?
How does the use of a computer affect the charging of underlying crimes?
Now that the Illinois SAFE-T Act has been enacted, what about people who are still in custody under the old law?
Money Laundering
What are the penalties for welfare and public assistance fraud?
What are the pretrial release provisions of the Illinois SAFE-T Act?
Public Corruption Experience
Retainers in Criminal Matters
Search Warrant
Should I Talk to Police?
Should I Talk to the Police?
Tell us about the “no risk of loss” holding in Loughrin v. United States.
Trends in Computer Crimes
Violent Crime Offenses
What are the penalties for commercial gambling in Georgia?
What are the potential consequences of a conspiracy charge for a co-defendant?
What constitutes a terrorist threat under the law?
What does conspiracy mean for defendants?
What does reasonable foreseeability have to do with conspiracy?
What if I Can't Afford a Criminal Defense Lawyer?
What is commercial gambling in Georgia?
What is conspiracy?
What is LEOSA and how do you help law enforcement officers deal with it?
What is Money Laundering
What is Probable Cause?
What is RICO?
What is risk assessment at sentencing and how is it being used?
What is The Caribbean Project to defend Americans charged with crimes in the Caribbean?
What is the First Step Act?
What is your background in forensic science and how is that helpful to you in defending your clients?
What is your experience in defending theft, burglary and robbery cases?
What is your experience in handling crimes committed by college students?
What Must Prosecution Prove - Fraud Case
What services do you provide to gun manufacturers and sellers?
What to do if Charged with a Felony
What trends do you see in the prosecution of cyberbullying?
What trends do you see in the prosecution of violent crimes in Illinois?
What type of traffic offenses do you handle?
What type of work do you do for educators?
What types of appeals are covered under the Post Conviction Relief Act (PCRA)?
What’s at stake in vehicular homicide cases?
Why is conspiracy used?
With cash bail abolished in Illinois, can the public be assured that those accused of crimes will return to court?
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