Find Answers
$934 Million Verdict
A Case of Defective Windows Across the Country
Can you tell us about a memorable legal malpractice case that you tried?
A Case of Slander at the Country Club
A Memorable Antitrust Case
A Memorable Early Litigation Experience
A Tale of Two Brothers and Two Million
AIG Case and Maurice Greenberg
Assured Guaranty v. Flagstar Bank
Battle of the In-Laws
Bush v. Gore
Campaign & Election Law
Can you tell us about a memorable commercial litigation matter you handled?
Can you tell us about a memorable environmental law case?
Can you tell us about some memorable cases Parker Daniels Kibort has handled?
Can you tell us about some of your most memorable asbestos cases?
Can you tell us about the defamation cases brought against Mike Lindell, the CEO of My Pillow?
Civil Rights Cases
Creative Lawyering
Dealing with a former partner who becomes a pest
Doctor cheated out of ownership interest in medical practice
Doctor cheated out of sweat equity in medical practice
DraftKings Case
First U.S. Supreme Court Trial
Food delivery company infringes trademark of restaurant
Ford Dealership Pays for its Consumer Fraud
Free Speech Cases
Have you ever won a case you shouldn’t have?
Homeowners in Virgin Islands cheated out of insurance coverage for hurricane damage
How a Creative Approach Helped an Airline Recover its Losses
How the “Insurable Interest” Concept Saves the Day
Hurricane Harvey Insurance Cases
Importance of Proposition 8, the Perry v. Schwarzenegger Case
Katrina Uribe et al. v. E-Systems
Key Moment in the Cross-Examination of Bill Gates
Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons
Memorable Anti-Slapp Case
Is there an appellate case you handled that stands out as particularly memorable?
Memorable Mortgage Case
Merck KGaA
Potential Libel Suit Against the Wall Street Journal
Professors wrongfully terminated for expressing political opinions
Proposition 8 Perry vs Schwarzenegger: Working with Ted Olson
Record-Setting $50 Million Recovery
Remembering Gary Shandling
Remembering George Steinbrenner
Tell us about a memorable case from early in your career.
Roofing Defects Exposed in Storms
Rumsfeld v. FAIR
Schacht v. U.S.
State v. Barson
Suing the U.S. Postal Service
Tell us about a memorable case that illustrates the Righi Fitch approach.
Tell us about the firm’s appellate practice.
Tell us about a memorable business dispute case you handled.
Tell us about a memorable intellectual property case you handled.
The right to criticize car dealership in YouTube videos upheld
The Sting Operation
Trademark and Trade Dress Infringement
Executive Wins Case Against Motorola
Turning the tables on the plaintiff
Vietnamese Fishermen v. Ku Klux Klan
Wall Street Journal’s Article About Theranos
What personal injury case stands out as particularly memorable?
What trial in your career stands out as particularly memorable?
Whitey Ford v. Marriott Corp.
Why is choice of law so important in California?
Memories of Antonin Scalia
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