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Are there tax implications in buying a yacht?
Can you explain in a few words what it is to act as an outside general counsel?
Do you have a checklist of things to think of when buying a yacht?
Do you specialize in only one side of the marine practice?
If you have one piece of advice to someone looking to buy a yacht, what would that be?
In your 27 years in the industry, what was your most fascinating case?
Is there anything about an admiralty and maritime case that would surprise most people?
What is your background and experience that brought you to your maritime and admiralty practice?
What was the most valuable experience you took from your in-house work experience?
What would you say is the number one focus of the maritime industry?
Why has admiralty and maritime law become so specialized?
Why is it important to know how you are going to use a yacht before you buy it?
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