Criminal Defense
Washington, D.C.
What are the biggest challenges you face in criminal appeals?
How are federal crimes different from state crimes?
What is The Caribbean Project to defend Americans charged with crimes in the Caribbean?
What types of cyber crime cases have you handled?
How do you use your training in forensic psychology to help your clients?
How do I find the best violent crimes lawyer?
Tell us about a memorable criminal appeal you handled.
Can you tell us about a memorable DWI case you handled?
What trends do you see in the prosecution of sex crimes?
What are the big changes in the law and prosecution of marijuana cases?
What are the biggest challenges you face in sex crime cases?
What is your experience in handling homicide cases?
About The Law Office of Christopher Leibig
Meet Chris Leibig
What is your background in forensic science and how is that helpful to you in defending your clients?
When do you advise clients to enter into a plea deal?
What does it take to be successful in the courtroom?
Can you tell us about a memorable sex crime case you handled?
What experience do you have handling cyber crimes or internet sex crime cases?