Personal Injury
What are the biggest challenges you face in premises liability cases?
What is your experience in handling dental malpractice cases?
Can you tell us about a memorable gun accident case you handled?
What is your experience in handling motor vehicle accident cases?
How do I know if I have a claim for dental malpractice?
How much does it cost to hire a personal injury lawyer?
Why is it important to hire a board-certified personal injury lawyer in Texas?
How does workers’ compensation law factor in when there is a work injury?
About the Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec
What does it mean to be board certified in personal injury law in Texas?
What is your approach to handling motor vehicle injury cases?
Meet Shane Kadlec
What is your experience in handling medical malpractice cases?
What is premises liability?
What are the biggest challenges of gun accident cases?
What advice do you have for families and victims affected by catastrophic injury?
What trends do you see in the area of motor vehicle injury litigation?