Personal Injury
About Chappell, Chappell & Newman
Meet Mark D. Chappell Jr.
What are the most common causes of motorcycle accidents?
What advice do you have for someone injured in a slip and fall accident?
What are some examples of your firm’s fearless pursuit of justice?
Can you tell us about a memorable nursing home case you handled?
Meet Graham Newman
When is a third party liable for work-related injuries?
What types of claims are good candidates for class certification?
What are the most common truck accidents?
Meet Mark D. Chappell
What is your approach to wrongful death cases?
What is the difference between multidistrict litigation and class action litigation?
Can you tell us about the Chappell Newman Personal Injury E-Book?
What happens if you get injured in the workplace?
Should I hire a lawyer for my car accident case?
What should I do immediately after a dog bite incident?
What are the most common workplace injuries?
What types of dangerous product cases have you handled?
What types of issues are giving rise to blockchain litigation?