Criminal Defense
What is the best approach to handling a detainer hearing or a violation of probation?
How can evidence be excluded or suppressed?
Are there any other cases you’ve handled that stand out as particularly memorable or rewarding?
What possible defenses do you look at in assault cases?
How strict are Pennsylvania laws and courts when it comes to firearm violations?
What mistakes do people make when questioned about, or charged with a crime?
Can you explain the bail process?
How do weapons violations affect the charging of related crimes?
What is the Accelerate Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) program?
If I have a choice, should I choose a blood or breath test?
What is your approach to defending drug charges?
What is your experience in defending theft, burglary and robbery cases?
What is your experience in handling sex assault cases?
Is there a DUI case that stands out as particularly memorable and rewarding?
What’s the biggest misperception people have about sex crimes?
Meet Brian Fishman
What trends do you see in the prosecution of domestic violence?
What happens to my driver’s license if I am convicted of DUI?
About the Fishman Firm
If I blow over a .08, shouldn’t I just plead guilty?
What happens if I refuse to take a blood or breath test?