Family Law
New York
What is an automatic order?
What are the basic principles that govern interstate issues in a divorce?
What is important to consider if the residential parent wants to relocate?
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
Can I get a different judge in my case?
Shared Legal Custody and College Fees
What are the advantages of a solo-practicing attorney vs. med/large law firm?
Success in Interstate Divorce
Why was the Child Support Standards Act (CSSA) passed?
What is the most rewarding aspect of your practice?
I Do Not Like Deceased Spouse's Representative - What Can I Do?
What is required in New York to be able to get a no fault divorce?
What does “best interests” really mean in a custody determination?
How did you get into the practice of law?
Spousal Death During Divorce
Subsequent Custody Case Considerations
Non-Custodial Parent and College Child Support
Death of Attorney During Divorce
Divorce Jurisdiction and Child Custody
When is an automatic order useful in a divorce proceeding?
What is your work philosophy?
Divorce Jurisdiction
As a client, how can I best prepare for a divorce proceeding with interstate custody issues?
Property Litigation in Different Jurisdiction
How does the court decide which law to apply in interstate spousal maintenance cases?