Criminal Defense
Minneapolis/St. Paul
Future of Criminal Defense
What type of criminal cases does Ryan Garry handle?
Expungement Eligibility
Can All Prior Crimes be Expunged from my Record?
What Qualities Should I Look for in a Criminal Defense Lawyer?
Can I Talk to my Prosecutor?
What is an Expungement?
Police Asking to Search Car
Specializing in Criminal Defense
What constitutes a terrorist threat under the law?
How do plea bargains work?
What Makes a Successful Criminal Defense Lawyer?
Petty vs Gross Misdemeanor
What advice do you have for people charged with a sex crime?
What do you Enjoy About Criminal Defense?
Fourth Amendment
What is your experience in handling child pornography cases?
Should I allow the police to search my vehicle?
Can you tell us about a memorable murder case you handled?
What is an MMPOA Lawyer?
The police want to interview me – what should I do?
Should I Talk to the Police?
Can you tell us about a memorable sex crime case you handled?
Will I Go to Prison if Charged With a Sex Crime?
Should I Hire a Private Investigator?
Questioning a Potential Criminal Defense Lawyer
How do you Encourage Clients Going Through Rough Times?
What Should you do if Arrested?
What defenses might be available in a prostitution case?
What to do if Charged with a Felony
What is your experience in handling sex crime cases?
First Jury Trial
Can you tell us about a memorable drug case you handled?
What to do if Falsely Accused of a Crime
What should I do if I receive a target letter?
What possible defenses might be raised in sex crime cases?
MSBA Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist
How do I find the right criminal defense lawyer to handle my case?
Under Investigation for Sex Crime
The police want to search my house – what should I do?
Search Warrant
Challenging Marijuana Laws