Family Law
Minneapolis/St. Paul
Criminal Defense
Income and Child Support
What is the difference between marital and non-marital property?
What is the Implied Consent Law?
Do I have to take a drug test if the police suspect I've been driving under the influence of drugs?
Is it illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana?
What is the most rewarding aspect of your practice?
What must be proven to find me guilty of a Driving Under the Influence?
Can the court force me to pay arrears on my child support obligation?
Before asking for modification of spousal support
How can I prove that police did not stop me for a lawful reason?
How does a DWI/DUI affect my record?
Do I have to take a test?
What happens if I refuse a urine test for a DWI/DUI in Minnesota?
Do you practice in other areas of the law?
How is child support calculated?
What are my rights after being arrested for a DWI/DUI offense?
What is the most common way for families to settle custody and visitation during a divorce?
Can I collect child support from my co-parent if he/she lives in another state?
Impact of Cohabitation on Spousal Maintenance
Do I have an interest in property which is only in my spouse's name?
How do we decide where our children will live while our dispute is pending?
If the police stop me for a justified reason, can they automatically search my car?
Is it a crime to refuse a breath test for a DWI/DUI in Minnesota?
Is it illegal to drive under the influence of Vicodin, Oxycodone, Valium, etc.?
What are the benefits of using a lawyer for custody and parenting time modifications?
Is challenging the legality of a stop a difficult burden to meet?
If my ex-spouse re-married a wealthy person, am I entitled to more spousal maintenance?
How old does my child need to be before my child can decide where to live?
What happens if I refuse a breath test for a DWI/DUI in Minnesota?
What evidence do police need in order to request a breath test?
What is your philosophy that sets you apart from other family law attorneys?
How can I modify parenting time under Minnesota law?
What is your experience in criminal defense law?
What is your experience in family law?
How can I challenge the results of a urine test?
Can the police stop me if only one of my four headlights is burned out?
What is a Karon waiver?
Are there different types of child support?
Can we modify parenting time and custody without going to court?
How do physical and legal custody differ?
How often do you recommend that clients consider modifying spousal maintenance?
What is parenting time?
How about Driving With an Alcohol Concentration of 0.08 or More?
What is the most important advice for a client to know about asset division during a divorce?
Obtaining Full Financial Disclosure from Spouse
Is having a taillight out a legitimate reason for police to stop my car?
If I think the police stopped me for an unjustified reason, can my case be dismissed?
Are there any prescription drugs that I can still operate a motor vehicle legally?
Do you practice in other areas of the law besides family?
Why do I lose my license before I ever get to court?
How can I modify child custody under Minnesota law?
What evidence do police need in order to request a urine test?
Are a medical doctor's orders a defense to driving under the influence of drugs?
Does re-marrying impact visitation and/or custody rights with my ex-spouse?
What is your philosophy that sets you apart from other criminal defense attorneys?
How can I challenge the results of a breath test?
Is it a crime to refuse a urine test for a DWI/DUI in Minnesota?
How often can child support be modified?
Are there different ways a person can be convicted of DWI/DUI in Minnesota?
What factors are considered when dividing property?