Employment Plaintiffs
San Francisco
What is gender identity discrimination?
What is meant by an accommodation at work?
I’m being harassed. Should I just quit?
What is a reasonable accommodation?
I’m afraid that if I complain about not receiving overtime pay, I could lose my job. What are my rights?
What is your experience in Employment Law?
What should I do with my severance pay?
How do I negotiate for severance pay?
Why do you enjoy practicing employment law?
My boss is a complete jerk who makes my life miserable at work. Can I sue for harassment?
Can Churches Discriminate?
I am pregnant. What are my rights?
What is a protected class?
If I am laid off, am I entitled to severance pay?
Where do you see discrimination and what does it look like?
How did you get into employment law?
Do you see many cases in discrimination against overweight people?
Is it a valid defense to say you look too old for the part or you are moving too slow?
What if I’m not paid the overtime I deserve?
What is reverse discrimination and what does it mean?
When should I tell my employer I have restrictions or a disability that needs to be accommodated?
Can you be fired for using medical marijuana?
I just lost my job. What should I do?
How should I document my workplace harassment?
My union is not doing anything. What should I do?
I’m worried that if I complain about workplace harassment, I’ll lose my job. What if any protections do I have?
Can employers ask you if you’ve ever been convicted of a crime in the initial application phase?
I believe I’m being harassed at work. What should I do?
My religion requires me to wear special clothing but my employer won’t allow it. What are my rights?
What Makes The Law Offices of Traci M. Hinden Different?
I work as an unpaid intern. Is that legal for my employer to not pay me?
When am I Owed Overtime?
My religion requires me to pray during work hours and to observe religious holidays. What are my rights?
I’m a 60-year-old guy applying for work and I’m not getting hired because they’re always favoring younger people. Do I have a potential claim?
Do I need to be in a protected class in order to sue for harassment?
What size employers can be held liable under the various laws?