Commercial Litigation
San Francisco
How do you fully inform juries on damages?
I've heard you described as "parachute counsel". Tell us what that means.
About Hugo Parker
Do you have experience with virtual appeals?
Can you tell us about some of your most memorable asbestos cases?
Can you give us a brief history of asbestos litigation?
How does virtual jury selection differ from live jury selection?
Do you have experience with virtual depositions?
What personal injury case stands out as particularly memorable?
Can you tell us about a memorable environmental law case?
Do you have experience with virtual trials?
Have you participated in trials that require social distancing?
Why is choice of law so important in California?
What trial in your career stands out as particularly memorable?
How has testifying as an expert witness helped you as a trial lawyer?
Is there an appeal you argued that made new law?
Meet Edward Hugo