Personal Injury
Los Angeles
Meet Lauren Bullock
The case of the loose bolt
What does it take to be successful in the courtroom?
What makes your firm different than others?
Meet Thomas Johnston
The case of the dangerous roadway
What philosophy guides your work as a lawyer?
What level of service can I expect from the firm?
Have you served on any boards or had leadership positions in the Bar or your community?
The case of the faulty hatch
A restaurant's failure to warn
Overcoming the no seatbelt defense
Memorable Personal Injury Case
A $9.5 Million Recovery for Traumatic Brain Injury
A $6.1 Million Recovery for Wrongful Death Case
Memorable Sexual Misconduct Case
An $11 Million Recovery for Spinal Cord Injury Case
In what areas of personal injury does the firm focus its practice?
Have you handled any cases involving distracted drivers?
Accidents don't "just happen"